Members of the Family
Family is importantno matter what language you speak. In the context of human society, a family is a group of people affiliated either by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence or some combination of these.
List of family members in English 英文家庭成员名单
Great-grandfather 曾祖父
Grandfather 爷爷
Grandmother 祖母
Great-uncle 大叔
Great-aunt 大姨妈
Uncle 叔叔
Aunt 阿姨
Father 父亲
Mother 妈妈
Uncle (Husband of Aunt) 叔叔(阿姨的丈夫)
Sister 姐姐
Brother-in-law 姐夫
Sister-in-law 嫂子
Husband 丈夫
Wife 妻子
Cousin 堂兄
Cousin’s wife 堂兄/表弟的妻子
Cousin 堂兄
Brother 兄弟
Cousin’s husband 表姐的丈夫
Nephew 侄子
Niece 侄女
Son 儿子
Daughter-in-law 媳妇
Daughter 女儿
Son-in-law 女婿
First cousin once removed 远房表亲
Grandson 孙子
Granddaughter 孙女
Family Members Tree | Picture 家庭成员树|图片
Family Members | Picture 1 家庭成员
Members of the Family in English | Picture 2 英语家庭成员
Family Vocabulary | Picture 家庭词汇
Men in the Family 家庭中的男人
Men in the FamilyVocabulary List 家庭词汇表中的男性
Great-grandfather 曾祖父
Grandfather/ Grandpa 祖父/爷爷
Father/ Daddy/ Pa 父亲/爸爸/ Pa
Uncle 叔叔
Father-in-law 岳父
Brother 兄弟
Nephew 侄子
Boy 男孩
Baby boy 男婴
Twin boys 双胞胎男孩
Cousin 堂兄
Boyfriend 男朋友
Husband 丈夫
Brother-in-law 姐夫
Men in the Family | Picture 家庭中的男人
Women in the Family 家庭中的女性
Women in the FamilyVocabulary List 女性家庭词汇表
Great-grandmother 曾祖母
Mother/ Mom/ Mommy 妈妈/妈妈/妈妈
Cousin 堂兄
Niece 侄女
Daughter 女儿
Girl twins 女孩双胞胎
Girl 女孩
ister 姐姐
Aunt 阿姨
Teen 青少年
Girlfriend 女朋友
Wife 妻子
Women in the Family | Picture 家庭中的女性
Human Life Cycle 人的生命周期
Learn English Vocabulary for Human Life Cycle. 学习人类生命周期的英语词汇
Be born 出生
Start school 开始上学
Make friends 交朋友
Graduate 毕业生
Get a job 找份工作
Fall in love 坠入爱河
Get married 结婚
Have a baby 生个孩子
Divorce 离婚
Emigrate 移民
Retire 退休
Make a will 立遗嘱
Die 死
Human Life Cycle – Picture 人的生命周期
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