Years are buried by vines, but have they ever bloomed.
The tenderness of the world is like clean clouds and you.
All things are hidden in winter, and the gods do not wake up. There will always be reunion. It is a gift from the world.
Sharing joys and sorrows is not only a floating tea, but also the way of life.
People who can't forget are like stars, which are special at night.
Human fireworks are not limited to the influence of daily necessities, rice, oil and salt. In the old stories submerged by years, we can also see thousands of wonderful stories.
It is the season of cherry blossoms. Cherry blossoms bloom like ten miles of beauty.
你归来是诗 ,离去成词,且笑风尘不敢造次。 我糟糠能食,粗衣也认,煮酒话桑不敢相思。
Your return is a poem, leaving into a word, and laughing at the dust, dare not make a mistake. I can eat chaff and recognize coarse clothes. If I cook wine, I dare not Acacia.
Even if life is like dust, I still wish years and months are like songs.
You hold the flame in your hand and turn it into heavy snow.
One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit. One song, one sigh, one life.
You are along the way, green mountains raise their glasses.
Spring wine, hot summer, autumn brew, know the cold, it's hard to meet. Remember to say good night.
There are many beauties in the world, but you are the only one I love.
- 致最好的我们的句子,青春总是美好中留有遗憾
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