Working harder and later, all beings suffer, and you can't admit defeat
Three minutes of heat can only keep you standing still forever
If you work hard, you can at least see the results. If you don't work hard, you have no chance to lose.
I hope you are not here to brush the self-disciplined copy, but really sit at your desk and work hard.
五,物理书上的 你的努力与成绩必须得是一对平衡力
In the physics book: your efforts and achievements must be a pair of balancing forces
How far you can persist and decide what height you can reach
Be hard on yourself and you will thank yourself in the future.
Wait for the wind, wait for the rain, wait for your elbow to turn to me
One-time life is certainly hotter than anyone else.
There are two ways in life, one is to walk with heart, called dream, and the other is to walk with feet, called reality
十一,没人会一直顺利 愿你更加强大 终有一天 可以笑着讲述曾让你哭的瞬间。
No one will always go well. May you be stronger. One day, you can tell the moment that made you cry with a smile
When you feel lonely and helpless, think that there are still billions of cells living for you.
十三,朋友圈里的不一定是朋友 但黑名单里的一定是敌人。
Those in the circle of friends are not necessarily friends, but those in the blacklist must be enemies
Soft-hearted and embarrassed will only kill themselves and feed a group of vampires
十五,一路走来跌跌撞撞 才明白钱才是治愈一切的良药。
I stumbled all the way to realize that money is the best medicine to cure everything
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